The Chronicles of Narnia Wiki

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The Chronicles of Narnia Wiki

Is it really necessary to have this page? 20:00, August 23, 2012 (UTC)

  • I agree. Seems pretty pointless, unless someone wants to contribute a worthwhile discussion about archery, Storyseeker1 (talk) 20:48, August 23, 2012 (UTC)
  • I could see a reasonable article that mentions Queen Susan's magic bow and arrows and the fact that Jill and Eustace learned to shoot between SC and LB, and maybe looks into the different types of arrows used by different countries, if any such information is to be found in the books. I would love to have a week to mess with it before Her Imperial Majesty makes a final verdict (not that I would expect Jadis to be that patient). I have a LOT of homework to get done this weekend, and school starts next week, (yes, that means I have homework over the summer that I just might have left until the last minute) so I would appreciate it if a final decision could be held off until September 3rd or so (unless you all think it's utterly unredeemable and not worth the time). It's up to you. Lasaraleen Tarkheena (talk) 04:17, August 24, 2012 (UTC)Lasaraleen Tarkheena
I'll leave this one alive for a while :) I think it's certainly got potential. ArvanSwordwielderSigArvanSwordwielderSigTalk

I think that article belongs in Wiki not Narnia Wiki. AVanEss (talk) 23:24, September 4, 2012 (UTC)

  • I've set up a link to the Wiki page, as shown. There's a lot more info on the wiki, but what's here on this site's page was all I could put on that was more or less compatible with the Narnia-verse. And it was all I could find to expand the page with. Storyseeker1 (talk) 23:49, September 4, 2012 (UTC)
I personally think the article should be more tailored toward The Chronicles, speaking specifically of archery in the CoN universe (though it is certainly better than before!) ~Arvan 22:49, September 5, 2012 (UTC)