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The Chronicles of Narnia Wiki
It has been suggested that the article Siege Weapon
be merged into the following article: Telmarine Army (Walden)

Caspian battle

Telmarines and their siege weapons.

Siege Weapons are massive weapons or armies that were used to destroy castles, buildings or even other armies.

Telmar was famed for having the best siege weapons in the Narnia world.


Catapults were used by Telmarines during the Siege of Cair Paravel and the Battle of Aslan's How. They can hurl objects at a great distance.


Ballistas were like crossbows, but were much bigger, they were most likely used by the Telmarines during the Siege of Cair Paravel, as well as the Battle of Aslan's How.


Trebuchets were large Catapults that could fire bigger projectiles at a longer range, and were used by Telmarines during the Siege of Cair Paravel and the Battle of Aslan's How.

See Also[]
