The Age of Conquest was Narnia's first era, lasting nine hundred Narnian years. It began when Aslan created the World of Narnia from its solid "dark and stillness."
At the beginning of the Age, Aslan and his father met at the Stone Table with the Narnian council to introduce them to the country's laws. Throughout most of this era, Narnia and her allies were guarded by the Tree of Protection from Jadis and her slowly growing army, which resided in the Witch Country. Time after time during this era, Aslan would appear at the Stone Table again to advise the Narnians who were threatened by various evils (that were unaffiliated with Jadis).
Sometime during this age, both the Ettins and Giants became civilised and intelligent, which resulted in the creation of settlements in Ettinsmoor and the Wild Lands of the North. It was also during this era that Archenland, Galma, Terebinthia, the Seven Isles, the Lone Islands, and the Merpeople's sea nation were formed and became allies or territories of Narnia, ergo the Narnian Empire was formed.
- Narnia is created by Aslan.
- Digory Kirke plants the Tree of Protection, which forces the evil and newly immortal sorceress Jadis to flee to the Wild Lands of the North.
- King Frank I and Queen Helen became the first King and Queen of Narnia, with Cair Paravel already created for them.
- Prince Col, younger son of Frank V of Narnia, leads followers to Archenland, where he becomes its first real King.
- 24 years after the formation of Archenland, outlaws travel south of the Great Desert and founded the nation of Calormen.
- The Calormen Empire spreads by taking over the land of Telmar.
- The Telmarines behave wickedly and Aslan turns most of them into animals.
- King Gale frees the Lone Islands from a dragon, and is named its Emperor by the grateful inhabitants.
- King Olvin of Archenland turns the two-headed giant Pire into stone. The dead giant is later called Mt. Pire or sometimes Olvin.
- Twelve pirates come into Narnia from Earth's South Sea and take possession of Telmar and conquer Calormen.
- The ancient Tree of Protection was blown down during a violent storm, fulfilling the prophecy Aslan spoke at the tree's planting on the day of Narnia's creation. The wind blew from the north and was unusually powerful, leading some of the wiser creatures in Narnia to wonder whether it had been supernaturally contrived by the mysterious sorceress Jadis, who had a sinister reputation in Narnian folklore.
- Narnia's worst fears were realised after the tree's death when Jadis invaded Narnia from the Wild Lands of the North with an army of evil creatures. Aslan did not yet come to the aid of the Narnians, who were forced to fend for themselves.
- The Narnian King led an army against Jadis, but despite their courage, they were still defeated by Jadis' dark magic. Mortally wounded, the King sent a message to Cair Paravel with instructions to send members of the royal family and court into hiding in Archenland.
- Having defeated the army of Narnia, Jadis turned her attention to their capital. She found it abandoned except for a skeleton force of soldiers who put up a defence but were soon defeated. Some of the refugees who had been warned to flee the capital were intercepted - among them the King's sons - and were killed. Jadis assumed rulership of Narnia and became known as the White Witch.
- For a while, there was resistance to the Witch's rule. Surviving humans from the Narnian royal court were sheltered in Archenland and talking animals were assisted by Archenlanders in prolonging the resistance. However, Jadis won over many of Narnia's dwarves and darker creatures to her side, and the fighters were heavily outnumbered.
- By the time of 900, Jadis had consolidated her strength and had magically changed the climate of the land. Heavy snow and blizzards made the mountain pass to Archenland treacherous, and Narnia became geographically isolated. Jadis's intricate spy network guarded the Narnian borders to ensure that no human being from Archenland or beyond ever entered her realm unchecked.
- The Age of Conquest officially ends, and the Age of Winter begins.